Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I haven't been feeling inspired to write in here much lately. I'm not sure whether it's being so busy (but let's face it, I've always made time before), or just a supreme lack of motivation. If it's the latter, I at least know it isn't spilling over into other portions of my life. I'm feeling more motivated than ever when it comes to my relationship, work, and life in general. I've pushed myself to the limit and back. I feel incredible about my life.

So what has caused this lack of inspiration? I don't know.

What I know is I'm feeling a change coming on. I'm feeling ready to push forward in a way I never have before. With that, I may be taking another break from TTTM. My fellow blog buddies all seem to be taking a vacation or getting too busy to continue to write and I miss their wonderful words of encouragement. Well this is my stepping out.

I'll probably be back.