Friday, August 13, 2010

This is not a revolution 'til we say it is

Ah, contentment. It's a strange feeling to have. Generally I'm on a rampage of unsteadiness and get lost trying to balance my world. Right now I don't feel that at all. I love the place I've arrived in the past few weeks.

For starters, I've begun a new job that I'm absolutely crazy about. Basically I give demonstrations of a really cool home cleaning product that helps with allergies and asthma in peoples' homes. I can't believe I'm in sales again, but this is so much better than any other sales job I've had. People ask me to buy. They love the presentation and I get paid super well for what I'm doing. It's really a breath of fresh air to actually make some good money for once. There's a ton of room for advancement too. If I keep up the pace I'm working at, I could have my own office in a few months. MONTHS. How crazy. Right now I'm the top sales guy in my office and I'm heading up the ranks in the country. I'm hoping things stay steady or continue to improve.

Because of that, I'm in the market for a new car. Mine is so close to its death bed. It makes noises that would scare the most talented of mechanics, and my job requires me to drive all over the place. I really can't take the chance of my car breaking down in the middle of nowhere and missing a possible sale. So, I've been looking, but haven't quite found what I want yet. I'm not in any super rush, but I'd like to find something as soon as possible. Ideally I'd love to get a few year old Jetta. I've found a few cars in my price range that would be suitable, but this is going to be a big purchase and I want to LOVE what I get.

Things in the apartment are better than ever. Sarah and I are learning how to live together. I know when she needs her own time and she knows when I need mine. Sometimes we eat dinner together and other times we do our own thing. My confidence in us continues to grow. It's amazing how every day we learn more and more about each other. The dynamic is so different now that we live together. We can be together without being up eachothers asses. We can spend time together while doing different things. I'm completely in love with living with her. Our apartment is really coming along. We haven't painted yet, but we've finished most of the unpacking. I put up a few pictures that she wasn't ecstatic about in the bathroom and she was kind enough to let them stay. Life is really good right now.

The band is in a little stagnant period. Our record came out and got mild numbers. We haven't been getting any tour offers worth pursuing, so we're just doing random one off shows. We have a cool show in Syracuse with Story Of The Year, which should be cool. A few college shows to help pay off band debt. Other than that, we're taking a much needed break. We still talk constantly and are making plans for fall, but we're taking a little time to focus on the rest of our lives. It's actually great. It's going to take a lot of stress off of the next time we tour. Our biggest problem is we need to find a new van since ours broke down in Long Island a few weeks ago.

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