Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dey Took Ar Jerbs!

Random advertisement for our tour posted today. Sorry about that. Haha. Let me explain.

Yesterday we were walking around a mall in Florida when I got a call from our manager. He doesn't call often (usually texts or emails), so I knew it had to be a big deal. I answer the phone and he says "TIM... IMPORTANT!" I'm stoked at this point. He told me we had to be in Toledo, OH in two days to join up with the tour with Jonny Craig. WHAT?! Jonny Craig is amazing, and this tour is the biggest one we've ever had the opportunity to be on. It's such a huge deal for us. We freaked out for a bit, then headed on the 15 hour drive north.

Now we're in our hotel in Kentucky waiting for the tour to start and I'm anxious as all get out. We've spent the majority of the day swimming, hanging in a hot tub, and promoting for the tour. I think it goes without saying how much I miss Sarah. I know she's struggling sometimes with me being gone, but I gave her good news today. After this tour, I'll be off for about three weeks. She'll be with me in Florida for some of it. This was unexpected. I'm very happy.

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